As the Mighty Wulritzer descends into the pit to the strains of Bronislaw Kaper: An update.

I will be leaving town (D.V.) this Friday for the San Francisco Bay Area to scout the Larsen book fair and check in with various friends and colleagues. Between two days at the fair and three subsequent days of scouting, I hope to return to the shop in happy anticipation of cartons of new material. I will be staying with a colleague in Berkeley and anticipate that at the very least there shall be a certain amount of collegial gluttony.

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One Response to As the Mighty Wulritzer descends into the pit to the strains of Bronislaw Kaper: An update.

  1. finer says:

    sorry to be mssing all the collegial company this year in the Bay Area. real regrets.

    high five to all the merry makers high up on Hilgard.

    partner and I are taking a maiden voyage – or is it a pilgrimage? – to Israel next week.

    Distiller story is somewhat amusing, though my bias on that book is that it is, though rare, not exactly never available. i have had it in stock twice in the past thirty years. other booksellers have had copies as well. $ 4,600 is a major auction house price. but that’s not really a price which I think booksellers are apt to be influenced by. even so, we all have opinions., and those are not even remotely a precious commodity in the book trade.


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